Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Time I Had To Make A Decision

When my church went to Atlanta in the summer of 2006, it was going to be great, but it would turn out to be one of the worst for me. That saturday we went to the mall, and this was when really big sunglassess were in style. I was allowed to go out on my own and do some shopping by myself. I was very excited.

I was walking along minding my business, when something caught my eye. A nice sunglasses booth, stood in the middle of the oversized mecca. I thought it wouldn't hurt to look. So i made my way over there and started looking. Eventually looking turned into trying them on, then asking how much they were, and before I knew it I had a pair of $12.00 shades in my bag. I knew I shouldn't have bought them.

I started to second guess myself. I knew if my mom or dad found out, they would be mad. So i went back to the booth and tried to get my money back, but i couldn't.

So I had to face the music and tell my parents. They reacted just like I thought they would. What mad the situation even worse was that, I could have bought a pair of shades from somewhere else for only, $5. So my dad went to the booth and demanded that I get my money back. Eventually I did. But now I know never to spend money, when I could save money.

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